
Despite all obstacles, God is determined to save a people for himself.

“God works sovereignly to save a special people for his glory.” (Mark Dever)

Exodus is about two major events: Exodus and Sinai.

Exodus establishes Israel’s identity.

  • Exodus 1 spans centuries
  • Exodus 2 spans about 80 years
  • Exodus 3-40 transpires over a little more than a year

The first half of the book is about why God deserves worship. The second half of the book is about how Israel should worship.

S = Subject
C = Complement
BI = Big Idea

(See this article for more information)

The Big Idea of Exodus

S: What is God determined to do despite the opposition of the world and the sinfulness of his people?
C: To save a people for himself.
BI: Despite all obstacles, God is determined to save a people for himself.

Oppression in Egypt (1-11)


S: Why did Israel become enslaved?
C: Because we’re part of a larger conflict.
BI: Sometimes the world turns against God’s people.


S: Why should we fear God rather than man?
C: Because only God is worthy of obedience.
BI: Fear God more than humans, because God always gets his way.


S: How does God work?
C: Slowly, invisibly, and with people we don’t expect.
BI: God often works slowly, invisibly, and with people we don’t expect.


S: How does God prepare Moses?
C: He reveals himself and his will, and overcomes his inadequacy.
BI: When God calls, God equips.


S: Why did God almost kill Moses?
C: Because Moses had unfinished business with God.
BI: The Lord requires holiness from those who serve him.


S: What happens when God begins to save his people?
C: God works, but sometimes situations get worse.
BI: When God begins to move, sometimes things get worse before they get better.


S: What does God promise to do for his people?
C: To deliver, redeem, and adopt them.
BI: God promises to deliver, redeem, and adopt his people.


S: Who were Moses and Aaron?
C: Ordinary people whom God chose to use.
BI: God uses ordinary people for his extraordinary plans.


S: How does God show his glory and power?
C: Through acts of judgment and mercy.
BI: God shows his glory and power through judgment and mercy.

Deliverance from Egypt (12-14)

12:1-30, 43-51

S: How should we remember our salvation?
C: By using the remembrances God has given to his people.
BI: Remember your deliverance.


S: How can we be saved from judgment?
C: By the blood of the Passover lamb.
BI: We’re saved from judgment by the blood of the Passover lamb.


S: How does God save his people?
C: By keeping his promise and decisively delivering them from their enemy.
BI: God keeps his promise to save his people by delivering them decisively from their enemies.

Wilderness (15-18)


S: How should we respond to our salvation?
C: By giving God the glory that’s due to him.
BI: God has saved us, so respond by worshiping him.


S: Why does God test us?
C: To teach us to rely on him.
BI: Tests teach us to rely on God.


S: What do we learn about Moses?
C: Even Moses needed help from God and others.
BI: Even the greatest among us needs help from God and others.

Sinai (19-24)


S: Who is the God who makes a covenant with us?
C: He is holy and gracious.
BI: The God who makes a covenant with us is both terrifyingly holy and gracious.


S: How does God expect us to live in response to who he is and what he’s done?
C: Love him and his children.
BI: In response to who God is and what he’s done, love God and his people.


S: What does it look like to love God and people?
C: It means acting differently in the details of life.
BI: God expects his people to act differently.


S: How does God fulfill his promises to his people?
C: By giving us his presence, bringing gradual change, and requiring our obedience.
BI: God keeps his promises and calls us to obedience.


S: How is the covenant ratified?
C: With a meal.
BI: God’s made a covenant with his people that’s ratified with a meal.

Tabernacle (25-40)


S: What is God’s plan for us?
C: God plans to live among his sinful people, recreating Eden.
BI: God plans to dwell among his people again.

25:10-27:21, 31

S: What do the details of the tabernacle represent?
C: God’s holy presence among his sinful people.
BI: God is holy, but he’s found a way to live among his sinful people.


S: What has to happen before we can approach God?
C: Sacrifice must be made to atone for our sin.
BI: Before we approach God, sacrifice must be made to atone for our sin.


S: Who will represent us before God?
C: Somebody holy who is set apart and prepared for the task.
BI: We need someone holy to represent us before God.


S: What do we need before God?
C: Redemption and cleansing.
BI: We need redemption and cleansing before God.


S: Who does God use to make the Tabernacle?
C: People with God-given skills.
BI: God appoints and gifts people for his service.


S: What are people like?
C: Even after seeing God’s glory, we’re quick to turn to idols.
BI: We’re quick to forget God and turn to destructive idols.


S: What’s our hope in the midst of sin?
C: We have an intercessor, and God is merciful and gracious.
BI: Our hope as sinners is that we have an intercessor, and God is gracious.


S: What effect does God’s glory have on people?
C: It transforms us.
BI: God’s glory transforms people.


S: How did Israel, under Moses, complete the Tabernacle?
C: By completing the work to God’s specifications.
BI: The right response to God’s grace is obedience.


S: What is our ultimate hope?
C: To live again in the presence of our glorious God.
BI: Our ultimate hope is to live again in the presence of our glorious God.

About the author
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.

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