
Every generation must learn who God is and what he wants from us.

Deuteronomy is about Moses standing before a new generation and calling them to obedience.

His purpose is to summarize and renew the covenant before entering the promised land. It’s his final act before transferring leadership to Joshua. It’s a call to total commitment and obedience.

His message comes 38 years after they balked at entering the land. It consists of three lengthy speeches. It’s one of the most significant books in the Old Testament, the one that Jesus quotes most often.

“God chooses his people. God’s people must choose him.” (Mark Dever)

S = Subject
C = Complement
BI = Big Idea

(See this article for more information)

The Big Idea of Deuteronomy

S: What must every generation discover?
C: Who God is and what he wants from us.
BI: Every generation must learn who God is and what he wants from us.

Moses’ First Address (1:1-4:44)


S: Why should we review the past?
C: To avoid the sins of our predecessors.
BI: Knowing the past helps us live for God in the future.
(from Big Idea Companion)


S: What can we learn from Israel’s early victories?
C: To trust God even when the obstacles are big.
BI: Trust God even when the obstacles are huge.


S: What happens when we disobey?
C: We face consequences.
BI: Disobedience has ongoing consequences.


S: Why should we obey?
C: Because of God’s grace and what’s at stake if we don’t.
BI: Obey God because of his grace and what’s at stake if we don’t.


S: What will life be like as part of God’s people?
C: Far from perfect.
BI: Life as part of God’s people is far from perfect.

Moses’ Second Address (4:45-29:1)


S: Why does Moses recite the 10 Commandments for a new generation?
C: To remind them who God is and how to live.
BI: Keep remembering who God is and how that causes us to live.


S: What is our priority as God’s people?
C: Loving God with all that we’ve got, and teaching our children to do the same.
BI: Our priority is to love God with all that we’ve got, and to teach our children to do the same.


S: How do we relate to a hostile world?
C: Don’t be influenced. Don’t be proud. And don’t be scared.
BI: As you live in a hostile world, don’t be influenced, don’t be proud, and don’t be scared.


S: How should we respond when we succeed?
C/BI: Never stop being amazed that God blesses us despite ourselves.


S: What does God require in response to his grace?
C: Love and obedience.
BI: In response to his grace, God requires our love and obedience.


S: What should we avoid in worship?
C: Adopting the idols and practices of the surrounding culture.
BI: Let God, not culture, tell you how to worship.


S: How should our identity as God’s people show up in our lives?
C: In everyday details like our use of time and money.
BI: God tells us to be distinct in everyday details like our use of time and money.


S: How does God care for his people?
C: By giving them godly leaders.
BI: God cares for his people by giving them godly leaders.


S: What does God value?
C: Human life, because we’re made in his image.
BI: God values human life because we’re made in his image.


S: How do we care for others?
C: By being good neighbors.
BI: Care for others by being a good neighbor.


S: Why does God care about our sex lives?
C: Because of its value and his presence.
BI: God cares about our sex lives because of its value and his presence.


S: How should we treat the possessions of others?
C: Refuse to take what belongs to them.
BI: To honor God, refuse to take from others what belongs to them.


S: How should we live in response to God’s grace?
C: In submission, gratitude, dependence, and obedience.
BI: In response to God’s grace, live in submission, gratitude, dependence, and obedience.


S: What should Israel do both in the future and in the present?
C: Choose the blessings of obedience over the judgment of disobedience.
BI: Both now and in the future, choose the blessings of obedience over the judgment of disobedience.

Moses’ Third Address (29:2-30:20)


S: How should we respond to what God has done for us?
C: By keeping his covenant.
BI: Respond to what God has done by keeping his covenant.


S: How does God respond to our repentance?
C: By restoring, changing, and blessing us.
BI: God responds to our repentance by restoring, changing, and blessing us.


S: What’s the choice we face?
C: Life through obedience or death through disobedience.
BI: Choose life through obedience.

The Death of Moses (31-34)


S: How should we respond in transition?
C: Trust God.
BI: Trust God in transition.


S: What should the theme of God’s people be?
C: The greatness and grace of God despite our sin.
BI: The theme of God’s people is the greatness and grace of God despite our sin.


S: What do God’s people need for the future?
C: The blessing of God.
BI: God’s people need God’s blessing for the future.


S: What’s true about humans?
C: Even the greatest of us are fleeting servants.
BI: Even the greatest of us are just fleeting servants.

About the author
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.

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